Tap lightly on the stub and push the bolt head out. This will allow you to pull the tank off of the bowl but you will be left with the stubs of the bolts sticking out.

Sure you can try, but you may even snap the bolt, which is fine. However, with all of the rust and corrosion, you won’t be able to get it to budge. The screwdriver is for the bolt head and the wrench for the nut underneath the tank. Usually, you would use a screwdriver and a wrench. The first step is to remove the old rusted bolts. You may find that when looking underneath the tank (there the bolts are held to the bowl with washers and nuts) that there is a large amount of rust and corrosion here too. It’s a good idea to replace them even if they aren’t yet leaking. Underneath all of that rust are the heads of the tank bolts. Removal of stuck bolts can be frustrating. It also covers a few ways to avoid stuck and rusty bolts.

Sometimes during a quick adjustment, you lift the lid of the toilet tank and you see two giant balls of rust. This video shows a few ways to remove rusty, corroded, stuck toilet tank to bowl bolts. Either you didn’t realize it, or you noticed a drip which caused you to look at them. Look closely at the condition of the flange.Rusting toilet tank bolts can be surprising. Remove any debris, smooth and dry the surfaces, and remove the two bolts from the flange. Use a putty knife to scrape away as much of the old wax ring as you can from the flange, a pipe fitting where the toilet mounts to the floor, and around the toilet drain. How do you replace the wax ring and bolts on a toilet? If the threads of the bolts are stripped and you. More than likely however you will need to apply some 3-in-1 oil or liquid wrench to loosen the bolts holding the toilet in place. But if you still feel the bolts tightening against the wax ring, keep going. If you are lucky the toilet tank bolts will be somewhat intact and you will be able to remove them easily with a monkey wrench. If you hear the sound of metal on porcelain, stop tightening. The toilet bolts should not be overtightened, but they should be tight. Similarly one may ask, how tight should the toilet bolts be? It's this piece that is bolted to the floor, and also sometimes secured to the drain pipe called a “bend”, which is made of sturdy iron. Think of this flange as a strong metal or plastic ring. Secondly, how is a toilet secured to the floor? Broken Toilet Flange Causes Rocking Toilet Instead, they secure to a toilet flange. Second best way: put a wrench on the nut, and a pair of locking pliers on the shank of the bolt.
Best way: put a wrench on the nut and the proper driver or socket into or over the head of the bolt, and turn one while keeping the other stationary. Terry makes an excellent point, echoed several years ago by one of our professional plumber members who says that when he installs a toilet he always tosses the tank-to-bowl hardware that comes with it and instead uses a Wolverine Brass set, all brass with a big bolt head and nice heavy brass washers. Moreover, how do you get a nut off a spinning bolt?ĥ Answers. Turn the wrench counterclockwise while holding the bolt sideways to remove the nut. Insert a screwdriver through the hole in the bowl of the toilet and push the bolt to the side. Try turning the nut on the anchor bolts counterclockwise with a wrench. Insert new bolts in the flange slots, heads down, and align them opposite each other to match the corresponding holes in the toilet base.